Records in this category
- After launching QQboxx, the LightScribe Print icon does not appear in the toolbar.
- QQboxx stops and the LS_Dialog window does not appear, when labeling the first disc.
- When labeling the first disc or after a number of discs, the program does not respond and LS_Dialog does not appear.
- When labeling the first disc or after a number of discs, LS_Dialog error window or the program error window appears.
- When labeling discs, a great number of unlabeled discs are ejected to the failed disc bin.
- After launching the program a pop-up window appears asking for the Serialnumber.
- After continuously processing a batch of discs, the unit stops and does not load discs anymore.
- QQboxx cannot run under Windows Vista.
- After launching the program a pop-up window appears showing error message.
- Data to Disc verification always fails.
- Folder could not be opened through Auto-run CD content view
- What should I do if the driver cannot be installed properly?
- Why does QQBoxx fail the initialization of auto-duplicator?
- What should I do if the auto-loader does not run during a job?
- Where is QQBoxx log file located?
- Why won't my auto-publisher burn LightScribe labels?
- After launching the QQboxx, the program initializes continuously and does not stop.
Software » QQboxx
ID #
When labeling the first disc or after a number of discs, the program does not respond and LS_Dialog does not appear.
Reasons: When LightScribe Windows Public SDK V.1.18 encounters a disc that cannot be identified as a LightScribe disc, LightScribe WIndows Public SDK will shut down automatically which can stop the program from responding or a LS_Dialog.exe errow window will appear.
First uninstall the LSS and Windows Public SDK V1.18. Reinstall the LSS and Windows Public SDK on the Installation disc.
Tags: Can not LightScribe, Can not print, Crash
Related entries:
- When labeling the first disc or after a number of discs, LS_Dialog error window or the program error window appears.
- QQboxx stops and the LS_Dialog window does not appear, when labeling the first disc.
- When labeling the first disc or after a number of discs, the program does not respond and LS_Dialog does not appear.
- When labeling the first disc, the program stops and the LS_Dialog window does not appear.
- When labeling the first disc or after a number of discs, LS_Dialog error window or the program error window appears.
Author: Acronova Tech Support
Revision: 1.1
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