Records in this category
- On some computers, when the loader loads an audio disc to the drive, iTunes or WMP does not start ripping and the program stops.
- The unit is connected and turned on, but after launching QQripper, a pop up window displays "No Device".
- After I launched QQripper, the message is pending at “Initializing Error”, what shall I do?
- The Exit button on QQripper window is inaccessible, what should I do?
- Shall I keep Windows Media Player or iTunes open before running QQripper?
- May I rip non-music discs with QQripper?
- May I rip non-standard format music discs?
- May I rip scratched or bent music discs?
- Where will the converted audio files be saved?
- Will QQripper overwrite the audio files that already exist in the destination folder?
- Do I need Internet connection to use QQripper?
- Why are the converted audio files named by track numbers but not by the song’s or artist’s name?
- Why did QQripper fail to start ripping after a disc has been loaded into the drive?
- Why did QQripper stop after ripping the first CD (and does not process the next disc)?
- Why does QQripper fail the initialization of autoloader?
- What should I do before getting technical support?
- Where is the QQripper log file located?
Software » QQripper
ID #
Why are the converted audio files named by track numbers but not by the song’s or artist’s name?
Go to the ripping software to set up the naming rules for converted audio files. In case an album is not listed in CDDB database (such as a self-burned audio disc or some obsolete discs), your ripping software may use track numbers to name the converted audio files.
Tags: Metadata
Related entries:
- Ripping procedure stopped when iTunes shows metadata match selection window.
- Where will the converted audio files be saved?
- Do I need Internet connection to use QQripper?
- Where is QQLabeler’s log file located?
- Where is the QQripper log file located?
Author: admin2
Revision: 1.1
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